SMG handles the placement of staff for over 120 partners and projects worldwide. Vacant assignments can be found here: Link Vacant Assignments.
The partner organisations were thoroughly examined and in accordance with the requirements of SMG. Their tasks are: - To provide SMG with information (job descriptions) of the vacant positions - To ensure direct contact between SMG and the operational area - To take responsibility for the member care and safety of our staff on site - To be the extended arm of SMG in terms of the Swiss labour law - To be part of the worldwide network of around 120 partner organisations under the umbrella of SMG
Interested in a partnership? Get in touch with us: Tel +41 52 235 32 52 By contact form
ABBA is an organisation that works among street children in São Paulo, Brazil. It runs two houses, the "Elohim" and the "Casa Liberdade". Since 2014, it is also running a carpentry workshop where young people can complete an apprenticeship.
ABÖJ promotes the foundation and development of youth and teenage groups. It trains and motivates local leadership teams, advises free evangelical churches and also runs a literature service.
Action International Ministries works with local churches and organisations to win and disciple people for Jesus Christ - and to support them in their physical and economic needs.
ACTION International Ministries
The vision of Action Biblique is to make the Gospel known throughout the world. The Swiss fellowship is made up of the Bible House, the Geneva Bible Institute, about 20 local churches and the YAB youth movement.
AEEF Association Evangile et Enfance de France
The Association Evangile & Enfance is an evangelical organisation that serves children and youth work in the church. AEEF France has existed since 1949 and is part of an international organisation that is active in 194 countries worldwide.
Africa On Fire Ministries
"Our mission is to carry the fire of the Holy Spirit throughout Africa: to preach the Gospel and bring God's love to every village, town and country." It all started in Mozambique with the care of widows and orphans; and more...
African Enterprise
African Enterprise is a Pan-African evangelistic organisation seeking to evangelise the cities of Africa through Word and Deed in partnership with the church. It has teams in 12 countries across the continent and its vision is to see transformed lives...
AGR Arbeitsgemeinschaft Religionsfreiheit
The member organisations of the Working Group on Religious Freedom (AGR) campaign for the rights of persecuted Christians at various levels and in different ways.
AIM Africa Inland Mission International
Under the motto "Reaching the unreached", AIM has been working on the African continent for over 100 years. Around 930 people invest themselves in corresponding countries.
Alacrity for Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh
APAB works to alleviate poverty in the Chittagong district of Bangladesh. It is a South Korean NGO with an orphanage and two hospitals, one of which is the Faith Clinic outpatient facility.
Alba exists to provide long term housing, recovery and training programs for women and their children escaping human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Italy.
AMEC Asociaţia Misionară pentru Educarea Copiilor
AMEC, Romanian for "Child Evangelism Fellowship" intl. (1973 USA) - "KEB Schweiz" in Switzerland. In Romania, 61 workers are currently ministering the Gospel directly to children, or in the national office.
Asociacion Civil Estación Esperanza
Estación Esperanza offers help for self-help in the slum area of Ventanilla near Lima, Peru. Our aim is to support people in their holistic development through activities such as parent support, floorball, children's weeks, mothers' meetings etc..
Association of Evangelical Missions (AEM)
The AEM in German-speaking Switzerland functions as an umbrella organisation for the Swiss missionary movement and is united by the common goal of spreading the gospel in word and deed across all cultural barriers, both locally and globally.
BEG Bund evangelikaler Gemeinden in Österreich
The purpose of the BEG is to plant new, biblically oriented churches at home and abroad as well as to support existing churches through teaching (conferences, trainings, etc.) - to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Biserică Forum Crescendo (BCER)
Biserică Forum Crescendo is a church in Sibiu, Romania, that supports people through various ministries and network relationships, with the aim of sharing the good news of the Gospel.
Bridge Steps Inc., USA
Bridge Steps’ passion is to connect people to God’s plan for their lives, one step at a time. They desire to see people engage missionally in their neighborhoods, places of work, where they spend their free time, and beyond.
Centro Emmaus
Centro Emmaus is a foundation that supports socially weak families and neglected children in southern Italy. It runs a large family, provides material, educational and spiritual help and is active in the prevention and education on a Christian basis.
CERVIN Centro de Recuperação Vida Nova
CERVIN is a drug rehabilitation centre in Rolândia, Brazil. The aim is to help drug addicts, to provide guidance and to support them in the rehabilitation process and subsequent resocialisation.
CGG Christliche Gehörlosen-Gemeinschaft
CGG is a christian association for the deaf. Deaf people do not only want to study the Bible, but also do practically what is written in the Word of God... CGG supports projects for the deaf in developing countries, eg Bolivia.
Christ for Asia International CFAI
Our vision is to give street children in the Philippines their worth. In our children's homes, they can grow up in a family environment. Through education, we aim to open doors for a hopeful future that would otherwise be denied to them.
CIPEP Corporación Instituto Para la Educación Pastoral
CIPEP is an evangelical Christian non-profit institution in Colombia. Its goal is evangelisation by training men and women across denominations for service to God, the church and society.
City to City Europe
City to City Europe focuses on church planting for the renewal of the cities in Europe and content resources for leaders who want to bring the power of the Gospel to every part of life.
Corporacion Mosaico Urbano Colombia (Kolumbien)
Mosaico Urbano focuses on the holistic transformation of poor urban slums by means of neighbourhood and economic development, community building, leadership development, children and youth work, health promotion and violence prevention.
CREACTIO - Associazione Creactio
Creactio is an association that coordinates multimedia projects for evangelical churches in Italy. It produces modern and up to date "tools", offers specific seminars/conferences, runs evangelistic websites and promotes networking.
DIGUNA Die Gute Nachricht für Afrika
DIGUNA is a missionary organisation with the task of spreading the Gospel – that is the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ – DIGUNA works especially in Central & East Africa.
EE SA Evangelism Explosion South Africa
People from all ethnicities, from all age groups and from every nation are to be equipped to be witnesses for the Gospel everywhere. This is - loosely formulated - the vision of EE South Africa.
EE Switzerland
EE Switzerland is committed to promoting evangelisation in Switzerland with a wide variety of offers. The focus is on training to lead conversations about faith and to accompany people on their faith journey.
Every Home for Christ
Every Home for Christ is an international mission organisation committed to the great commission of proclaiming the Gospel. "We believe that Jesus Christ has commissioned us - His church - to reach all people in every nation."
FATAD / WAAST West Africa Advanced School of Theology
West Africa Advanced School of Theology
Fellowship of Hope
"Our goal is to restore the lives of lost and hopeless people in Cambodia by helping them experience God's deep love. We want to show them God's love and grace by supporting and encouraging those who want to follow Him."
FFBBM Association des églises baptistes bibliques, Madagascar
FFBBM (Fivondronan’ny Fiangonana Batista Biblika eto Madagasikara) is an evangelical Christian association of Baptist churches in Madagascar with the essential aim of bringing together the local churches that compose it.
Floorball4all Brasil
Floorball4all Brasil
FM Flying Mission Zambia
Flying Mission has been working and flying in Africa for almost 40 years. Their area of service goes far beyond flying. There is
also a training centre for aircraft mechanics and a "Care Ministry" to support people and church communities.
Forum Wiedenest e.V.
Forum Wiedenest is an internationally active faith organisation. Its focus is on bible school, in-house and worldwide mission and church forum. It works with (free-) churches on the basis of the faith declaration of the German Evangelical Alliance
Foursquare Italia
Foursquare Italia is a movement that aims to provide support structures for local Christian church leaders in Italy.
Fundacion De Iglesias
As local communities in Argentina, we want to carry out activities which, in their social, cultural and spiritual aspects, aim to strengthen the moral and educational values of young people and families.
Fundación Man of Peace (MoP)
Fundación Man of Peace aims to be a safe space for the community in which children are given the opportunities and tools they need in order to succeed.
Fundacion Vida Abundante
Fundación Voz y Manos
Voz y Manos provides transcultural and bi-vocational training to Latin American missionary candidates; equips and accompanies Christian leaders in their ministerial and personal development.
FUNDIIP Fundación pro Desarrollo Integral Indigena de Panamá
FUNDIIP stands for «Foundation for the Promotion of Integral Development of Indigenous Peoples in Panama». The organization is intended to serve as a starting point for coordinating the mostly voluntary work in the indigenous areas.
GAiN Global Aid Network Austria
GAiN (as its meaning says "win") describes our vision: We want to cater for the poorest and disadvantaged, for them to gain a new perspective for their lives and hope for the future. GAiN is a branch in Austria for Campus for Christ.
Galcom International Inc.
The Gospel is to be preached in every language and every nation (Mt 28,19). 780 million people cannot read. Providing audio devices and radios is the best way to reach these people with the Good News, the Word of God.
GBEEG - Groupes Bibliques d'Elèves et Etudiants de Guinée
IFES is a movement of students who share and live the Good News of Jesus Christ – be it locally, nationally or globally. IFES is represented by the GBEEG in Guinea.
HELP International e.V.
HELP International is committed to make Jesus known - in all nations. They achieve this by proclaiming the Gospel to all nations and demonstrating it practically through mercy ministries.
HELP International Thailand
HELP International Thailand makes the gospel of Jesus Christ practical and tangible, serving the poor and needy and training future missionaries. That is why we go specifically to one of the largest red light districts in the world, Pattaya.
Hopeland Ministry
Hopeland Ministry is a Christian social organisation that was founded in Switzerland and operates as an NGO in Uganda. Its vision is to give hope and perspective to people in need in Uganda.
IDEAS is domiciled in the USA and works from there in over 13 countries around the world. Its dedication is for people who are forgotten and "overlooked" to bring them hope and change their lives positively through the love of Jesus Christ.
Interserve is a non-profit organization founded in 1852 to serve those most in need in Asia and the Arab World. Through SMG, both internships, short-term and long-term assignments are available with Interserve.
IRIS Port-au-Prince, Haïti
IRIS Port-au-Prince, Haïti
Italian Ministries (IM)
Italian Ministries is a missionary network committed to mission work in and outbound from Italy. The organisation aims to spread and promote the biblical evangelical faith and missionary work in all of Italy.
JMEM Altensteig e.V.
In Altensteig, the branch of Youth with a Mission has since 1980 been working in the region of Freiburg. The goal is that people are touched and changed by the truth and love of Jesus Christ. About 70 missionaries were sent out to about 16 countries.
La Maison d'Elie
La Maison d’Elie (House of Elijah) is a house of prayer founded in Geneva in 2012 and dedicated to worship and intercession 24 hours a day. It is open to all Christians who wish to meet God and get to know Him better.
La Roca - Associacion cultural "La Roca"
The school and children's mission La Roca in Chosica (Peru) considers itself to be a missionary-evangelical association dedicated to evangelisation through education, community building and the care of cultural heritage.
Le Large (Centre de relation d'aide chrétienne du Nord-Vaudois)
Le Large offers Bible-based companionship and prayer support for people of all ages in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. There is a wide range of help offered whereby people are supported in the challenges of life!
Librairie chrétienne La Maison de la Bible Le Locle
The bookshop enables the distribution and sale of Bibles, Christian literature and other articles of various kinds. In addition, the store guarantees a Christian presence and witness in the city.
Light for Liberia
Our vision is to holistically empower people in Liberia through education and practical projects. According to their strengths and competencies, they learn to take responsibility, thus having a positive formative influence on their community.
What began as a dream of "exuberant orchards" in 1991 has developed into a great mission that has shaped the lives of thousands of orphans. Livada means orchard in Romanian - symbolic of "eternal fruit".
Marburger Kreis Deutschland / mc2 / Crossover
mc2 is an interdenominational network of Christians who invite people to discover faith anew and to experience it in everyday life. They bear witness to the biblical God who became a man in Jesus Christ and who is interested in people's lives.
Marburger Mission
The Marburg Mission is a non-profit organisation. In September 1909, the first missionary was sent to China... In the meantime, about 85 employees from our Marburg Mission work in 9 countries to fulfil the great commission of Jesus Christ.
MEC Mbalizi Evangelistic Church
MEC was founded in 1957: It started with bush schools and training centres for carpenters, tinsmiths..., medical work followed. Today, the premises in Tanzania include various training centres and a hospital for the local population.
MEOS sees itself as an advisory and competence centre for churches, companies, non-profit organisations and also for individuals in Switzerland. It provides advice on issues such as asylum, migration, integration and related training/schooling.
Mexico Medical Missions
Mexico Medical Missions provides medical and community development services to the people of the Sierra Madre Mountains of Chihuahua.
Misión Propósito Global de Dios
Propósito Global wants to help people in Latin America discover God's plan for their lives. It is worthwhile to invest socially, morally and spiritually in motivating and training young people: They are the future and potential of their countries!
Misiones Cristianas Bolivia - Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica El Jireh
MNR Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf
MNR stands for Midnight Call. It is a free, biblical-evangelical missionary organisation with the aim of pointing people to Jesus Christ, His Good News and His return to this earth. The name is derived from the Bible, from Matthew 25,6.
Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar e.V. (MHM)
MHM is an association of people with the aim of initiating, supporting, promoting and expanding aid for people in need in Madagascar, also in inaccessible areas (medical aid and training of Madagascans).
Mosaico Urbano (Mexico)
Urban Mosaic focuses on the holistic transformation of the poor living in slums: by way of neighbourhood and economic development, community building, leadership development, children and youth work, health promotion and violence prevention.
NCD International GmbH & Co. KG
NCD International stands for Natural Church Development. It is a global initiative that focuses on improving the quality and health of churches.
Nehemia (Association Nehemia Madagasikara)
Nehemia's goal is to holistically advise, support and restore families in Madagascar! It always combines practical help and support with the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
New Creation Family Church
New Creation started in 1980 with the vision of founding a "New Testament" church in South Africa. Later on, a Christian school was opened. The school and the church are now both housed in the Robin Hills location in Randburg.
New Tribes Mission Bolivia (NTM)
NTM’s goal: church planting among unreached people groups. Of the 6.500 people groups worldwide, 2.500 have not yet been reached with the Gospel! New Tribes Mission helps local churches in Bolivia and sends missionaries to the different tribes.
New Tribes Mission Southeast Asia Mainland (NTM SAM)
NTM SAM’s goal: church planting among unreached people groups. Of the 6.500 people groups worldwide, 2.500 have not yet been reached with the gospel! NTM SAM helps local churches in Southeast Asia and sends missionaries to the different tribes.
Newfrontiers International Trust
Newfrontiers is a group of apostolic leaders who share the values of the Christian faith. Their concern is to place already existing as well as new churches on biblical principles and to train capable leaders to this purpose.
Noor Global, Switzerland
Noor Global equips people and organizations for creativity in social and humanitarian activities. They organize or participate in the organization of seminars, courses, training programs and similar activities.
Not I But We (NIBW)
Not I But We is a social enterprise that offers survivors of human trafficking and violence against women in South Africa the opportunity to build a new life through dignified and meaningful work.
OCI Onona Centre International
OCI is an international organisation on the east coast of Madagascar. Its roots are in Switzerland where it was founded in 2019. Its purpose: accommodation, nutrition, health care and education of neglected children and orphans.
OIKOS (Taiwan)
The OIKOS Community Services Association is a non-profit organisation in Taipei, Taiwan. Its aim is to promote the holistic development of families in need through comprehensive community services.
One Collective UK
We are a UK charity with a global focus that works in communities around the world and is passionate about making sure no one is invisible and everyone has access to food, freedom, and forgiveness. Following Jesus - we bring people together to help the...
Organisation A-Bato, Rwanda
A-BATO is a Rwandan NGO that seeks to promote the social, moral and spiritual well-being of children through the teaching of the Good News from the Bible, sports activities, sponsorship and information on and prevention from addiction.
Palabra de Vida Argentina (PdV)
PDV invites young people to become believers in Jesus Christ and help them deepen their relationship with God. Through activities such as camps, youth programs and a Bible school, young Christians are prepared for their future ministry.
People International
People International is a diverse multi-ethnic Christian missionary organisation operating in over 20 countries which aims to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to Central Asian Muslims by establishing and enabling his church.
Disciples making disciples. Churches that make churches. This brand new union of evangelical churches is at the service of its 80 communities and 400 pastors or collaborators to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in France.
Pioneers in Europe
We mobilize teams to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating church-planting movements in partnership with local churches. Over 300 teams live and work in 100+ countries among the unreached. PI Europe sends from Europe to the world.
Purposefully Made Ministries
Purposefully Made Ministries provides Kenyan children with disabilities, their teachers, and their caregivers crucial tools for inclusion and development.
Rail Hope
Rail Hope has been a non-profit, interdenominational association connecting people in rail/public transport since 1908. Neither church nor union... Rail Hope promotes authentic living in the workplace and in line with the Word of God.
Recanto Esperança
Recanto Esperança - The focus is on helping people to help themselves. This is done through a wide variety of activities in which families and children are supported. (since 2006, a missionary couple from us has been working on site – in Brazil).
REMEEF Réseau de missiologie évangélique d'Europe francophone
RIDS Switzerland
The association RIDS Switzerland («Rural Integrated Development Services») promotes and supports the Nepalese mountain population with development aid projects.
SEND International
SEND International is an evangelical, multinational organisation with over 500 missionaries in over 20 areas of Asia, Europe, Eurasia and North America.
Servants is an international network of christian communities living in the slums of Asia and also in the West. They work among the poorest to bring them hope and justice through Jesus Christ.
SFE Service Fraternel d'Entraide
SFE is a French-Swiss Christian NGO that plans and implements long-term projects in Laos. Eg medical development and cooperation in rural Laos.
Shelter Now International e.V.
Shelter Now is a Christian aid and development organization for refugees and people in need. They work mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but also in Tajikistan, Kurdistan, Togo and Uzbekistan.
Sociedade Bíblica de Portugal
Sociedade Bíblica de Portugal aims to spread the Bible in Portuguese and other languages and to help people to get to know God through His word.
St-Andrews Presbyterian Church Matamata
St Andrew's Parish in Matamata, New Zealand, is part of the Christian Presbyterian Church in Aotearoa. It aims to provide a spiritual home for all generations, families and individuals. Among other activities, there is a Church Service in German.
Steiger International
Steiger is a worldwide mission organisation with the goal of reaching the "secularised global youth culture" and winning followers of Jesus Christ. The message of Jesus Christ is communicated clearly and relevantly through media, art and creativity.
TCF The Christian Fellowship International Church
The Tamil community TCF is domiciled in the canton of Zurich and works under the umbrella of "MEOS". TCF organizes evangelistic events, street outreaches, etc. The community members share their faith and spread the Good News of the Bible.
Tikkoun has a vision to bring healing and transformation to broken people, cities and nations. It desires to see followers of Christ engaged for God and His Kingdom. It addresses past and present conflicts from a christian perspective.
Torchbearers Albania
The Torchbearers Albania aim to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to bring people into a personal relationship with God and to lead them in their spiritual growth through various projects and events.
TWR Trans World Radio
TWR’s motto is “giving hope to the world through the radio work". For over 60 years, the Good News has been spread in this way - on every continent. An estimated 160 countries, or rather the listeners there, benefit from these TWR broadcasts.
TWT The Word Transforms
TWT is an interdenominational Christian training ministry. We provide a range of Biblical and practical training courses for church-based training. We train local group leaders to run the training courses in their own churches and groups for holistic...
UMEP Union Misionera Evangelica de Panama
UMEP is an association of churches. It is faithful to the Bible and is Christ-centred and not charismatic. Its activity profile includes: representation of the congregations in all legal matters and training of the staff.
UNTLIP (Unión Nacional de Traductores y Líderes de Panamá)
UNTLIP is a private organisation in Panama with the aim of cultivating the culture of the indigenous population, improving their well-being and preserving their language. UNTLIP also translates biblical texts into their native language.
Verein SIP Bulgarien
SIP Bulgarien
WMPL World Mission Prayer League (LAMB-Hospital)
WMPA has been serving the poorest people in the northwest of Bangladesh since the mid-1970s and works with local communities and churches. They aim to improve the physical, social, emotional and spiritual health of the people.
World Assemblies of God Fellowship - Cambodia
World Assemblies of God Fellowship Cambodia is a mission branch of Assemblies of God, the world's largest Pentecostal church. With a wide range of ministries, its main mission is to establish churches among all peoples.
World Team
World Team is the result of two mission societies merging. Their vision is to bring the Gospel to people who are geographically hard to reach. The organisation wants to change individual lives and to plant churches.
Young Life Deutschland GmbH
Young Life is committed to giving young people around the world hope and purpose. At the heart of its work is making contact with young people in Germany and building trusting friendships.
YWAM Youth with a Mission, Peru
YWAM was founded in 1960 and has grown to a now globally active movement of Christians from a wide range of cultures in over 180 countries. Their goal: to serve Jesus Christ and to proclaim His message, especially among the youth, eg in Peru.
YWAM / JUCUM Medellin, Kolumbien
Jugend mit einer Mission Medellin (so auch in Kolumbien vertreten) ist eine missionarische Gemeinschaft mit der Vision, mehr über Gott zu erfahren, um ihn in allen Bereichen der Gesellschaft bekannt zu machen.
YWAM Heredia Asociación Eco Misión, Costa Rica
Asociación Eco Misión is part of the global movement of "Youth with a Mission" with the goal of inspiring its staff and students to reach the lost and equip them to reach the unreached.
YWAM Matamata NZ, Family Ministries
YWAM Matamata is part of the global movement of "Youth with a Mission" with a focus on families. Their goal is to strengthen and mobilize families by modeling love, evangelism, restoration, equipping and training.
YWAM Youth with a Mission, Paris Central
YWAM was founded in 1960 and has grown to a now globally active movement of Christians from a wide range of cultures in over 180 countries. Their goal: to serve Jesus Christ and to proclaim His message, especially among the youth, eg in Tanzania.
YWAM Youth with a Mission, Worcester, South Africa
YWAM Worcester ist eine internationale christliche Gemeinschaft, berufen, Menschen aller Herkünfte und Hintergründe zu fördern und auszubilden, und sie anschliessend auszusenden, um Christus in Afrika und weltweit in Wort und Tat zu repräsentieren.